Hey there!

I'm an energetic journalist based in NYC.

With over ten years of experience in podcasting, I've worked on everything from engagement and tech to business and production.

As I wrap up my master's in bilingual journalism, I'm excited to dive into the next chapter and help grow an innovative media company.


MAKING podcasts

Around 2014, I became interested in creating podcasts. After listening to many shows (primarily produced in the US), I developed an uncontrollable curiosity to make one. And so, I went online, researched what I could, and started making stories. If you want to listen to my recent-ish work, I recommend checking out Cosas de Internet or Compartir no es delito.


In 2016, I launched Cosas de Internet, a podcast I still co-host that explores the impact of technology on our daily lives. Listen here

Compartir no es delito was the first piece of work I did for Radio Ambulante. In 2018, I pitched them as an independent producer, and the result was this story. Listen here.

In 2021, I worked on an episode of The Cultural Frontline podcast about art in Colombia. I did field production and dubbing. Listen here.

growing together

I have been involved in the launch of several independent shows, including DianaUribe.fm, one of the most listened-to podcasts in Colombia. Additionally, I was part of the Radio Ambulante Estudios team, where I contributed to the growth of Radio Ambulante and El hilo.


sharing ideas


Online course: Podcasting for beginners

I developed an online course on podcasting for beginners with Platzi. Throughout 25 lessons, I share the entire process of creating a show, from concept to production and publishing on various platforms.

Audio production guide

Along with Santiago from Cosas de Internet, we created a free, open-access PDF guide where you can learn to produce podcasts using the tools you have on hand.

Quick guide to start your own podcast

At the first edition of the international podcasting festival Al Oído, there were many resources available for new podcasters, including this talk on tools for creating your own podcast.